Our Eco-Blog — ecofriendly products

Our Top Tips For Sustainable Christmas Present Giving

Posted by Toni Henderson on

Christmas is a time for family, festivity and fun! But unfortunately, the increase in waste over the Christmas period is massive with the amount of general waste increasing by 30%, including 365,000km of unrecyclable wrapping paper (that's the enough to wrap around the equator nine times!). With this in mind, we thought it'd be good to think of some tips for you to help your Christmas just a little more sustainable. 

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Ecofriendly Shopping Trends: All You Need to Know

Posted by Toni Henderson on

Each year another 8 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean and in 2020, 68 million tons of pollution was emitted into the atmosphere from just the US. 

What do people think about all this? Thankfully, people are starting to think more about sustainability as evidenced by promising eco-friendly shopping trends. Let’s take a look. 

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Are home air fresheners creating a toxic indoor environment?

Posted by Toni Henderson on

Air fresheners specifically, even ones called green and organic, are known to emit over 100 different chemicals, including volatile organic compounds VOC’s, yet fewer than 10% of air freshener ingredients are typically disclosed to the public. So what's going on? 

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Everyday, easy, eco-friendly swaps - Simple things you can do today to reduce your impact

Posted by Toni Henderson on

Everything we do has an impact on the world around us. We all have a responsibility to reduce the harmful impact our actions have. 

Many of us today, if not all, are aware of the damage being done to the environment around us and the threats posed by global climate change that we are actually accelerating but fail to see how we can stop it. It is a big problem, a tad overwhelming with all the best intentions to say the least. However like many things in life it is the little things that all add up that make a difference. 

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