Keeping up with Veganuary?

Posted by Toni Henderson on

We’re over halfway through Veganuary! To help share the tips and tricks about going (and hopefully staying) vegan we thought we’d upload our second instalment of our Veganuary blog series!

Know your why: Transitioning to being vegan can be hard, we all know it! Just keep remembering the reasons as to why you wanted to go vegan in the first place! We all went vegan for a good cause, one of the main reasons being to boycott the treatment of animals in the food industry, a very worthy cause! So when your friend’s cheeseburger is looking a little bit too tasty, think about the good that you're bringing to the world with your choice.

Transition at your own pace: Going vegan can be a big change, especially when vegan alternatives are only recently on the rise. This can be a lot to handle if it’s all at once, that’s why when going vegan on a (hopefully) more permanent basis, you should go at your own pace, otherwise, you could get overwhelmed with the adjustments you’ll need to make.

Learn 5 easy, go-to meals: As anyone who has ever gone on a diet before will tell you, sometimes, you just don’t feel like making a proper meal. That’s why it’s important to know how to create at least five easy vegan meals and snacks to help keep cravings at bay!

That’s it for our Veganuary tips this week, check in next week for another instalment of our top tips for transitioning to a vegan life!


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